EE 271 - Digital Circuits and Systems
Lab Notes
Types of digital system platforms
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
- Field-Programmable Gate Array(FPGA)
- Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)
options for mac users
Day 1 Lecture Notes
Why should we study digital electronics?
"Because they're everywhere"
Variables and Functions
Or gate
And Gate
Inverter (Not Gate)
Truth Tables
there is a fixed order
000 first, 111 last
the number of cases is 2^n where n is the number of inputs
NOT, then AND, then OR with no parenthesis
Boolean Algebra and Logic Minimization
Day 2
Symbols and notation
Boolean Equations from a truth table
C1 is equivelent to Cout
How can we minimize the boolean equation?
given a logical expression, it's dual is obtained by replacing all or operators with and operators and vise versa
repalcing all 0s with 1s
the dual of any true statement is also a true statement
if a statment is true, it's dual is also true
Axioms of boolean algebra
Single variable theorums
Two/Three Variable Properties
Advancd boolean properties
sometimes you may need to add "and 1" to be able to factor
DeMoregan's Theorum is used to convert AND (or) to OR (and)
Day 3
(4 maxterms)
Truth tables are always in the same order, think binary numbers
Changed Schedule
XOR output once when the output is different
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
add 1 to the 1's compliment number
Lecture 7
Half adder has 2 inputs, full adder has 3
XOR gate
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Product of Sums
Lecture 12
Can only update values at clock edges
clk is just latch
bubble is negative edge d flip flop
triangle is positive edge d flipflop
Gated d-latch. as long as clock is 1, the output tracks the input
with positive edge trigger flipflop, the output updates only when the clock signal goes positive
with negative edge trigger flipflop, the output only updates when the signal goes positive
output value is flipped
Right shifted by 2 is dividing by 2 twice.
Shift Register
Updated at next positive clock edge
Shift up, q3 is updated using q2, q2 with q1 etc
Data Up
is just a data input for the shift up
A counter is a device that stores times an event has occured
Syncronous counters
Lecture 13
Lecture 14
Sequence detector
Lecture 15